Grammar and Language

Precise Communication- Adverbs


Adverbs enhance verbs, adjectives and other adverbs, enriching language precision. Discriminating word choice manifests intentions distinctly. As Henry David Thoreau ...

Proper Pronoun Use- Pronouns


Pronouns act as shorthand stand-ins for nouns in sentences. She…he…they… Using the right pronouns respectfully recognizes people’s identities. This article ...

Expressing Ability and Possibility- Grammar Models


Modals constitute an important grammar concept in English. These special verbs precede other verbs to express shades of possibility, permission, ...

Connecting Ideas in Sentences- Grammer Conjunctions


Conjunctions constitute an important concept for smoothly connecting ideas in English sentences and paragraphs. These linking words signify relationships between ...

Accurate Descriptions- Adjectives


Adjectives intricately describe nouns and pronouns, making writing vivid. But not all descriptors equally capture subjects’ essence. Selecting fitting adjectives ...

Identifying People, Places, and Things- Nouns


Nouns name distinct people, locations, objects, animals, concepts or feelings. Choosing exact nouns prevents assumption, confusion and vagueness between writers ...

4 English Grammar Mistakes That You Need to Stop


We tend to assume that if English is someone’s ‘mother tongue’, they’ll speak and write it perfectly. We all know ...

Main Versus Subordinate Clauses


Sentences structure meaning by combining independent and dependent ideas through clauses. These constituent parts contain a subject and verb while ...

Discussing Hypothetical Situations- Conditional Sentences


Conditional sentences allow us to speculate about possible realities. By framing an “if…then…” hypothetical scenario and associated outcome, English speakers ...

Present/Past Tense- Verbs


Verbs give sentences their engine conveying actions or states of being. Conjugating properly between present and past tenses ensures clarity ...