5 Simple Ways to Increase your Energy

Feeling tired? Stressed? Bored? Have low energy? Do you know that all these things can be improved just by moving your body? It’s true! It’s been a long winter of staying indoors, not meeting friends as usual, and studying online. I have 5 tips to help you get your energy back, diminish“diminish” verb = cause to decrease or become less the feelings that overwhelm“overwhelm” verb = become too much to cope with you, and give you something fun to do.

1. Move your body daily!

It doesn’t have to be complicated, and you don’t need a gym membership. It’s important to move, whether that means going for a walk, finding free workouts“workout” noun = exercise routine online that you can do at home, or challenging a friend to a push-up“push-up” noun and squat“squat” noun challenge. You might be surprised at how much energy you suddenly have because of this one simple addition to your life. It has literally changed my life!

2. Get outside each day!

Just getting fresh air daily will change your mood and increase your energy. Being in nature is a natural stress-buster“stress-buster” noun = something that removes feelings of anxiety, and you’ll find you tend to be happier because of it.

3. Get up early regularly.

Do the things that need to get done that day in the morning. Your mind is freshest in the morning and when you accomplish your to-do list“to-do list” noun = list of activities and tasks you have to complete early in the day, you will have a weight lifted off your shoulders“weight lifted off your shoulders” idiom = feeling of relief when a challenge is gone so you can relax, stress-free.

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4. Drink more water!

Most people don’t drink enough water and think they are hungry instead. Overeating packs on the pounds“pack on the pounds” idiom = cause to gain weight. Try drinking water or herbal teas more often. You’ll find you don’t eat as much, your body functions better, and you have more energy.

5. Connect with friends each day.

Social distancing has become the norm“norm” noun = a common situation or activity because of the current pandemic, but there are many creative ways you can still socialize safely with friends. Why not have a Zoom workout together, call and chat more often, or plan a walk together outside at one of the many park trails in the city? This will most definitely make you a happier person.

If you are in need of an online coach, fabulous workouts with super trainers that you stream from your own device“device” noun = electronic gadget (phone, tablet, computer), and a group of people who meet online to check in with their workouts, I can help with that.

Corinna Smith (M.A. TESL) is an ESL Instructor at York University English Language Institute where she is experienced in teaching all levels from beginner to advanced. She has been teaching ESL for more than 25 years with experience teaching overseas (South Korea and Chile) and the past 14 years have been at York University in Toronto, Canada. The past year has been devoted to teaching solely online with most international students joining her classes from their home country. As a mom to an energetic daughter and a wife to a full-time working husband, she knows how important it is to develop good time management skills, be physically active every day and stay connected to loved ones while learning best practices for teaching online.

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